Fentanyl Alert

*important information*

Hey lovely friends of mine who are crystal users: there have been a number of reports of a dangerous opioid (Fentanyl) being cut into crystal [and other drugs: heroin, crack/cocaine, oxys], resulting in numerous overdoses both here in Victoria and in Vancouver. Most folks who are using crystal wouldn’t expect Fentanyl, which is an extremely dangerous, toxic and powerful drug, so the danger for harm is even greater.

First, get informed about drugs. Being informed is your greatest asset in terms of drug harm reduction. I can’t speak as a professional here, but will give some advice as someone who has lived experience:

A) Know your source – talk to your dealer about where they get it from. Ask if the dealer has tried it. Connect with others who buy from the same person and ask them about the product.

B) Start slow – if you’re using new product, start slow and take lots of time between dosing.

C) Consider changing your method of use with new product – if you slam, consider snorting, smoking or eating (remember, start slow) until you become more familiar with the product. Booty-bumping increases the bio-availability of meth, so be careful when hooping.

D) Use with others – let folks know what you are using so that if help is needed, they know what you’re on. If you’re using alone, let someone you trust know, and ask them to check in every now and then.

E) Avoid, or limit, mixing different drugs. – it is common for folks to use crystal with downers such as GHB, Benzodiazepines and alcohol. All three of those, mixed with even the smallest amount of Fentanyl, can be extremely dangerous. Try to avoid mixing downers whenever possible.

F) have a safety plan – consider thinking about what to do and what actions to take if something goes wrong.

G) Attend an opioid/opiate overdose training. They are offered through AVI.

Please consider learning more through numerous organizations in town, specifically AVI, SOLID, COOL-AID, Uvic Pride, PEERS, VPWAS and other organizations that work around harm-reduction.

With love, compassion and care!


Vancouver Island Persons Living With HIV/AIDS Society (VPWAS) 205 - 1120 Yates Street, Coast Salish Territories, Victoria, BC. V8V 3M9
Phone: 250.382.7927 | Fax: 250.382.3232 | Toll Free: 1.877.382.7927 | support@vpwas.org | www.vpwas.org | Login