Syphilis … It’s making the rounds

Syphilis … It’s making the rounds (yes, in Victoria! it’s more common than you might think)

Across Canada, cities have seen a huge rise in syphilis over the past several years. In most cities gay and bisexual men have been hit hardest by it, and as many syphilis cases are among men who are HIV positive. Syphilis can easily be tested and treated if caught early enough.

Poz guys look out!

  • As a POZ guy your syphilis infection may take longer to both treat and cure.
  • Without treatment, syphilis can make you very, very ill.
  • Syphilis may increase your ‘viral load’ (a measure of HIV in your blood). This can speed up the rate at which HIV damages your immune system.
  • Syphilis will not go away if left untreated.

Get Tested! Get treated!

  • A simple blood test can tell you if you’ve got it.
  • If you are sexually active, it is important to get tested for syphilis regularly.
  • Tell your doctor you want to have a syphilis test
  • If it’s caught early, syphilis can be treated with antibiotics. If you find out you have syphilis, it’s important to get treated and then follow up with your doctor to make sure the treatment worked.

Victoria STI Clinic
Free, confidential STI testing and treatment, gay friendly.
Drop in: call ahead for availability

Mondays 10:00am – 2:00pm
Tuesdays 1:00 – 4:00pm
Thursdays 1:00 – 4:00pm

Victoria Health Unit building, which is located on the corner of Cook and Pembroke Streets
1947 Cook St.
Phone: 250.388.2225

Vancouver Island Persons Living With HIV/AIDS Society (VPWAS) 205 - 1120 Yates Street, Coast Salish Territories, Victoria, BC. V8V 3M9
Phone: 250.382.7927 | Fax: 250.382.3232 | Toll Free: 1.877.382.7927 | | | Login